A bundle's execution context within the Framework. The context is used to grant access to other methods so that this bundle can interact with the Framework.

BundleContext methods allow a bundle to:

Subscribe to events published by the Framework. Register service objects with the Framework service registry. Retrieve ServiceReferences from the Framework service registry. Get and release service objects for a referenced service. Install new bundles in the Framework. Get the list of bundles installed in the Framework. Get the Bundle object for a bundle. Create File objects for files in a persistent storage area provided for the bundle by the Framework.

A BundleContext object will be created for a bundle when the bundle is started. The Bundle object associated with a BundleContext object is called the context bundle.

The BundleContext object will be passed to the BundleActivator#start(BundleContext) method during activation of the context bundle. The same BundleContext object will be passed to the BundleActivator#stop(BundleContext) method when the context bundle is stopped. A BundleContext object is generally for the private use of its associated bundle and is not meant to be shared with other bundles in the OSGi environment.

The BundleContext object is only valid during the execution of its context bundle; that is, during the period from when the context bundle is in the STARTING, STOPPING, and ACTIVE bundle states. However, the BundleContext object becomes invalid after BundleActivator#stop(BundleContext) returns (if the bundle has a Bundle Activator). The BundleContext object becomes invalid before disposing of any remaining registered services and releasing any remaining services in use. Since those activities can result in other bundles being called (for example, ServiceListeners for ServiceEvent#UNREGISTERING events and ServiceFactorys for unget operations), those other bundles can observe the stopping bundle in the STOPPING state but with an invalid BundleContext object. If the BundleContext object is used after it has become invalid, an IllegalStateException must be thrown. The BundleContext object must never be reused after its context bundle is stopped.

Two BundleContext objects are equal if they both refer to the same execution context of a bundle. The Framework is the only entity that can create BundleContext objects and they are only valid within the Framework that created them.

A Bundle can be Bundle#adapt(Class) adapted to its BundleContext. In order for this to succeed, the caller must have the appropriate AdminPermission[bundle,CONTEXT] if the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.

Thread Safe


$Id: 6c43d322b8ea2137c094ce10e1f33e9c54519dd6 $



  • Returns an array of ServiceReference objects. The returned array of ServiceReference objects contains services that were registered under the specified class and match the specified filter expression.

    The list is valid at the time of the call to this method. However since the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.

    The specified filter expression is used to select the registered services whose service properties contain keys and values which satisfy the filter expression. See Filter for a description of the filter syntax. If the specified filter is null, all registered services are considered to match the filter. If the specified filter expression cannot be parsed, an InvalidSyntaxException will be thrown with a human readable message where the filter became unparsable.

    The result is an array of ServiceReference objects for all services that meet all of the following conditions:

    If the specified class name, clazz, is not null, the service must have been registered with the specified class name. The complete list of class names with which a service was registered is available from the service's Constants#OBJECTCLASS objectClass property. If the specified filter is not null, the filter expression must match the service. If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the caller must have ServicePermission with the GET action for at least one of the class names under which the service was registered.


    • clazz: string

      The class name with which the service was registered or null for all services.

    • filter: string

      The filter expression or null for all services.

    Returns ServiceReference<any>[]

    An array of ServiceReference objects or null if no services are registered which satisfy the search.


    InvalidSyntaxException If the specified filter contains an invalid filter expression that cannot be parsed.


    IllegalStateException If this BundleContext is no longer valid.



  • Returns a list of all installed bundles.

    This method returns a list of all bundles installed in the OSGi environment at the time of the call to this method. However, since the Framework is a very dynamic environment, bundles can be installed or uninstalled at anytime.

    Returns Bundle[]

    An array of Bundle objects, one object per installed bundle.

  • Creates a File object for a file in the persistent storage area provided for the bundle by the Framework. This method will return null if the platform does not have file system support.

    A File object for the base directory of the persistent storage area provided for the context bundle by the Framework can be obtained by calling this method with an empty string as filename.

    If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the Framework will ensure that the bundle has the java.io.FilePermission with actions read,write,delete for all files (recursively) in the persistent storage area provided for the context bundle.


    • filename: string

      A relative name to the file to be accessed.

    Returns File

    A File object that represents the requested file or null if the platform does not have file system support.


    IllegalStateException If this BundleContext is no longer valid.

  • Returns the value of the specified property. If the key is not found in the Framework properties, the system properties are then searched. The method returns null if the property is not found.

    All bundles must have permission to read properties whose names start with "org.osgi.".


    • key: string

      The name of the requested property.

    Returns string

    The value of the requested property, or null if the property is undefined.


    SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate PropertyPermission to read the property, and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.

  • Returns the service object for the service referenced by the specified ServiceReference object.

    A bundle's use of a service object obtained from this method is tracked by the bundle's use count of that service. Each time the service object is returned by #getService(ServiceReference) the context bundle's use count for the service is incremented by one. Each time the service object is released by #ungetService(ServiceReference) the context bundle's use count for the service is decremented by one.

    When a bundle's use count for the service drops to zero, the bundle should no longer use the service object.

    This method will always return null when the service associated with the specified reference has been unregistered.

    The following steps are required to get the service object:

    If the service has been unregistered, null is returned. If the context bundle's use count for the service is currently zero and the service has Constants#SCOPE_BUNDLE bundle or Constants#SCOPE_PROTOTYPE prototype scope, the ServiceFactory#getService(Bundle, ServiceRegistration) method is called to supply the service object for the context bundle. If the service object returned by the ServiceFactory object is null, not an instanceof all the classes named when the service was registered or the ServiceFactory object throws an exception or will be recursively called for the context bundle, null is returned and a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent#ERROR containing a ServiceException describing the error is fired. The supplied service object is cached by the Framework. While the context bundle's use count for the service is greater than zero, subsequent calls to get the service object for the context bundle will return the cached service object. The context bundle's use count for the service is incremented by one.

    The service object for the service is returned.

    Type Parameters

    • S


    Returns S

    A service object for the service associated with reference or null if the service is not registered, the service object returned by a ServiceFactory does not implement the classes under which it was registered or the ServiceFactory threw an exception.


    SecurityException If the caller does not have the ServicePermission to get the service using at least one of the named classes the service was registered under and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.


    IllegalStateException If this BundleContext is no longer valid.


    IllegalArgumentException If the specified ServiceReference was not created by the same framework instance as this BundleContext.


    • #ungetService(ServiceReference)
    • ServiceFactory
  • Returns the ServiceObjects object for the service referenced by the specified ServiceReference object.

    The ServiceObjects object can be used to obtain multiple service objects for services with Constants#SCOPE_PROTOTYPE prototype scope.

    For services with Constants#SCOPE_SINGLETON singleton or Constants#SCOPE_BUNDLE bundle scope, the ServiceObjects#getService() method behaves the same as the #getService(ServiceReference) method and the ServiceObjects#ungetService(Object) method behaves the same as the #ungetService(ServiceReference) method. That is, only one, use-counted service object is available from the ServiceObjects object.

    This method will always return null when the service associated with the specified reference has been unregistered.

    Type Parameters

    • S


    Returns ServiceObjects<S>

    A ServiceObjects object for the service associated with the specified reference or null if the service is not registered.


    SecurityException If the caller does not have the ServicePermission to get the service using at least one of the named classes the service was registered under and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.


    IllegalStateException If this BundleContext is no longer valid.


    IllegalArgumentException If the specified ServiceReference was not created by the same framework instance as this BundleContext.





  • Returns a ServiceReference object for a service that implements and was registered under the specified class.

    The returned ServiceReference object is valid at the time of the call to this method. However as the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.

    This method is the same as calling #getServiceReferences(String, String) with a null filter expression and then finding the reference with the highest priority. It is provided as a convenience for when the caller is interested in any service that implements the specified class.

    If multiple such services exist, the service with the highest priority is selected. This priority is defined as the service reference with the highest ranking (as specified in its Constants#SERVICE_RANKING property) is returned.

    If there is a tie in ranking, the service with the lowest service id (as specified in its Constants#SERVICE_ID property); that is, the service that was registered first is returned.


    • clazz: string

      The class name with which the service was registered.

    Returns ServiceReference<any>

    A ServiceReference object, or null if no services are registered which implement the named class.


    IllegalStateException If this BundleContext is no longer valid.


    #getServiceReferences(String, String)

  • Returns an array of ServiceReference objects. The returned array of ServiceReference objects contains services that were registered under the specified class, match the specified filter expression, and the packages for the class names under which the services were registered match the context bundle's packages as defined in ServiceReference#isAssignableTo(Bundle, String).

    The list is valid at the time of the call to this method. However since the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at any time.

    The specified filter expression is used to select the registered services whose service properties contain keys and values which satisfy the filter expression. See Filter for a description of the filter syntax. If the specified filter is null, all registered services are considered to match the filter. If the specified filter expression cannot be parsed, an InvalidSyntaxException will be thrown with a human readable message where the filter became unparsable.

    The result is an array of ServiceReference objects for all services that meet all of the following conditions:

    If the specified class name, clazz, is not null, the service must have been registered with the specified class name. The complete list of class names with which a service was registered is available from the service's Constants#OBJECTCLASS objectClass property. If the specified filter is not null, the filter expression must match the service. If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the caller must have ServicePermission with the GET action for at least one of the class names under which the service was registered. For each class name with which the service was registered, calling ServiceReference#isAssignableTo(Bundle, String) with the context bundle and the class name on the service's ServiceReference object must return true


    • clazz: string

      The class name with which the service was registered or null for all services.

    • filter: string

      The filter expression or null for all services.

    Returns ServiceReference<any>[]

    An array of ServiceReference objects or null if no services are registered which satisfy the search.


    InvalidSyntaxException If the specified filter contains an invalid filter expression that cannot be parsed.


    IllegalStateException If this BundleContext is no longer valid.