This is a wrapper for interface javax.jcr.Value to allow more types of properties.


Cedric Mailleux





  • Returns a Binary representation of this value. The Binary object in turn provides methods to access the binary data itself. Uses the standard conversion to binary (see JCR specification).

    Returns Binary

    A Binary representation of this value.


    RepositoryException if an error occurs.


    JCR 2.0

  • Returns a Boolean representation of this value.

    Returns boolean

    A Boolean representation of this value.


    ValueFormatException if conversion to a Boolean is not possible.


    RepositoryException if another error occurs.

  • Returns a JCRNodeWrapper instance referred by this value. The property has to be one of the following types PropertyType.STRING PropertyType.REFERENCE PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE

    For other types a ValueFormatException is thrown. If the reference in the value cannot be resolved to an existing node, the method returns null.

    Returns JCRNodeWrapper

    A JCRNodeWrapper referred by the value of this property.


    ValueFormatException if conversion to a JCRNodeWrapper is not possible.


    IllegalStateException if getStream has previously been called on this Value instance. In this case a new Value instance must be acquired in order to successfully call this method.


    RepositoryException if another error occurs.

  • Returns a String representation of this value.

    Returns string

    A String representation of the value of this property.


    ValueFormatException if conversion to a String is not possible.


    IllegalStateException if getStream has previously been called on this Value instance. In this case a new Value instance must be acquired in order to successfully call this method.


    RepositoryException if another error occurs.

  • Returns a Date representation of the Calendar's time of this value.

    The object returned is a copy of the stored value, so changes to it are not reflected in internal storage.

    Returns Date

    A Date representation of this value.


    ValueFormatException if conversion to a Date is not possible.


    RepositoryException if another error occurs.

  • Returns the type of this Value. One of: PropertyType.STRING PropertyType.DATE PropertyType.BINARY PropertyType.DOUBLE PropertyType.DECIMAL PropertyType.LONG PropertyType.BOOLEAN PropertyType.NAME PropertyType.PATH PropertyType.REFERENCE PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE PropertyType.URI See PropertyType.

    The type returned is that which was set at property creation.

    Returns number

    an int