Helper class to make it possible to access the registry from the JavaScript engine



  • Add a new object in the registry. The object is a map of key-value pairs that will be stored using the specified type and key. Note that if the object already exists, an exception will be thrown. If you want to force the object to be store you should instead use the addOrReplace method.


    • type: string

      the type of the object to store

    • key: string

      the key of the object to store within the type

    • Rest ...arguments: any[]

      a Map of key-value pairs representing the object to store

    Returns void

  • Add a new object in the registry or replace an existing one. The object is a map of key-value pairs that will be stored using the specified type and key. If the object already exists, it will be replaced by the new one.


    • type: string

      the type of the object to store

    • key: string

      the key of the object to store within the type

    • Rest ...arguments: any[]

      a Map of key-value pairs representing the object to store

    Returns void

  • Search objects from the registry by using a map filter. The filter is a map of key-value pairs that will be used to match objects that have the same values for the keys specified in the filter.


    • filter: any

      a map of key-value pairs to filter the objects to retrieve

    Returns any[]

    a List of matching objects

  • Search objects from the registry by using a map filter and an order by clause. The filter is a map of key-value pairs that will be used to match objects that have the same values for the keys specified in the filter.


    • filter: any

      a map of key-value pairs to filter the objects to retrieve

    • orderBy: string

      a string representing the key to use to order the resulting objects. Not that this only works if the key refers to an integer value

    Returns any[]

    a sorted List of matching objects